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Aerial Drone Video of Tornado Damage in Vilonia and West of Little Rock from the day after (4/28/14). The Vilonia area is the first section of video. I saw EF-3 and probable EF-4 damage there. The aerial video with the downed trees everywhere is Western Pulaski County. The home in the later section that was wiped clean off its foundation… That is where 3 people lost their lives. While on scene shooting the story for KATV we came across Emily one of the other daughters who survived. In all there were 11 people in the house at the time of the tornado including Emily and her other 8 siblings (two of which and along with her father were the fatalities). Nothing hits you harder than seeing a girl who just lost her home, her father, and two of her siblings….and is lucky to be alive… going through the rubble of their home. Her and her families strength and faith was evident. Items from their home were found in Heber Springs, Arkansas – 50 to 60 miles away! Here is our story from KATV with reporter Elicia Dover (I was photographer) about that family and area –