Before you can learn how to fly a drone as a beginner pilot you first need to master adjusting the trim buttons to correct the eachine e58 drone from drifting away and to keep it hovering in one place

Helps you a lot as a beginner pilot to learn the basic of how to fly a drone without having the quadcopter take off and fly away on its own

Even on a windy day, you can use the trim buttons to keep itself e58 quadcopter flying in one spot and lean into the wind on its own without you having to correct that with the gimbals constantly
making flying in a windy day much easier

The eachine e58 have a few more tricks that make it a good starter drone for a beginner pilot to learn to fly a drone

The first is altitude hold that keeps the drone at a certain altitude you set and stay there until you tell it to move higher or lower

The great thing about it is you don’t have to learn throttle control at the same time while your learning to keep the drone under control

So there are less thing you have to think about because the drone almost fly itself

So you can focus on just one gimbal stick at a time and learn all the basics from keeping the drone flying in one spot and then move on flying it sideways and facing towards you without over complicating things

Because learning to fly a drone in all directions is already difficult enuff so it’s better to learn each gimbal movements one at a time step by step

Another great feature of the e58 that helps beginners is the one key takeoff and landing

When you press the one key take off button it automatically starts the motors and takes off up to 1 meter high far away from any ground effect and turbulent air helping you to get out of the danger zone pretty quick without crashing

When you press one key landing the drone automatic glides to the ground where you only need to keep the drone hovering over a safe spot to land and drone while be doing the rest and stop the motors when it lands

The eachine e58 also comes with a failsafe for when you fly’s out of range and the drone losses signal with the transmitter the e58 activated auto landing and glides to the ground saving the e58 from crashing and breaking parts

If you do break any parts you can follow my on how to disassemble the drone and replace the broken parts pretty easy

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