Learn the best and quickest way to turn your quad. Please turn on closed captions, annotations, and watch full screen.
From http://quadcopter101.blogspot.com/2013/10/quadcopter-flying-tutorial-3-turning.html
How to turn a quadcopter. Quadcopter banking turns is a subject that’s not obvious to beginner flyers. Most have to learn it through trial and error. Viewing this video may help prevent learning bad habits that may be hard to break from later.

http://quadcopter101.blogspot.com teaching beginners the basics of flying quadcopters.

For more beginner tips on flying quadcopters, please see

By the way, the quadcopter in this video is a WLToys V212. It’s a very nimble but forgiving quadcopter drone, and in my opinion the absolute best quadcopter for beginners and above.