Great Planes RealFlight 7.5 RC Flight Simulator with Interlink Elite Controller

The easy, worry-free way for you to learn how to fly RC airplanes, drones, helicopters, and gliders without the risk of costly crashes.
Physics so real you will think you are at a flying field.
With RealFlight, you can fly 140 aircraft on over 40 flying fields at any time, day or night, rain or shine.



No other R/C simulator captures the experience of flying as completely and accurately as RealFlight, and RF7.5 raises the bar even higher! Among RF7.5’s innovations: the Reset/Rewind button that instantly gets you back in the action. RealPhysics technology has been further refined to recreate the nuances of multi-rotor aircraft — and speaking of multi-rotors, there are several popular designs in RF7.5 that you can fly in any of the over 30 flying sites as well as in new Challenges. RF7.5 makes learning and honing R/C flying skills easy and fun, and because it’s so true to life, you’ll fly confidently and instinctively at the field!

New for RF7.5: Multi-Rotor Physics – Multi-rotor aircraft is the hottest category in R/C, and RF7.5 has a dozen different models for you to choose from. Wireless SLT Transmitter Interface – Use the same SLT transmitter you take to the field! It’s wireless, so you’re not tethered to your PC. Scavenger Hunt Challenge – Test your piloting skills using multi-rotor aircraft. Score points and complete stages to unlock more difficult levels. “Ghost Run” Feature – Reach personal bests competing against “ghosted” images of previous flights – available on all Challenges.

RF7.5 still offers all this, and so much more:

  • A total of over 140 aircraft, encompassing all types of airplanes and helis
  • Over 40 flying sites to explore, in both PhotoField and 3D
  • Game-like Challenges
  • RealPhysics 3D
  • TrueView realistic lighting
  • Reset/Rewind on the InterLink Elite controller
  • Multiplayer and MultiMode
  • Onscreen camera controls
  • Water takeoffs and landings
  • Night flying
  • Welcome Screen
  • Real Rendering
  • AccuModel aircraft editor
  • FlexiField flying site editor
  • Wind Dynamics
  • Blade stop autorotations
  • Unlimited combat with any weaponry

The easy, worry-free way for you to learn how to fly RC airplanes, drones, helicopters, and gliders without the risk of costly crashes.
Physics so real you will think you are at a flying field.
With RealFlight, you can fly 140 aircraft on over 40 flying fields at any time, day or night, rain or shine.
The InterLink Elite controller by Futaba lets you access all the best features of RealFlight – including Reset/Rewind – quickly and easily.
Test your piloting skills in different game-like events. Completing a stage unlocks new, more difficult levels!