RC Racing It’s More Than Just A Hobby: Fulfill Your Need For Speed In The Thrilling Sport Of Remote Control Racing




It fuels one’s need for power… speed … control. That’s why for the fanatic it’s more than a hobby, it is a sport … a contest for skill, expertise, dexterity. But most importantly, it’s a highly-spirited sport one can truly enjoy — safely, with you in one piece, unharmed, nothing damaged. With this manual on radio control vehicles, you can instantly get started on the cool and thrilling sport of remote control cars, trucks, boats, planes, helicopters … take your pick … set up a dynamic hobby right away without spending loads of money. * Learn the basics of radio control vehicles: the components, mechanizations, technology and how they work to give you the speed, power and control you need. * Learn operational do’s and don’ts of expert radio control operators so you can copy their success, enhance your skills, and prime yourself to compete in world-class competitions. * Learn safety guidelines and maintenance basics so you can get the most out of your high-priced remote control vehicles for years to come. On your mark, ready…set…go! Discover all the secrets about this thrilling, high-speed leisure sport this instant and get your need for speed!