Eachine e58 tutorial How to fly a drone with your phone
so you can use the Wifi FPV and all the extra functions for making shooting aerial video footage easy for You
Starting the tutorial off with how to connect your phone to your drone and setup the Eachine e58, you do need to install the free JV UFO App
Once you have installed the app you can turn on the e58 drone and turn on the wifi on your phone and connect to the wifi FPV drone
The first step when you enter the UFO App is changing the settings and turn on the 720 FPV Camera and switch between mode and mode 2
then press play to start flying the drone with phone or tablet
when you press play you directly get the view of the camera
if that´s not working check the wifi connection and reset it
when everything is working perfectly you get a few icons on the top of your screen and in the middle of the screen you get two control sticks
if the two gimbals don´t show press the 7 icon to switch between phone control or Radio TX
icon 1 is for taking a picture during the flight
icon 2 starts recording video
icon 3 you have your photo and video album
icon 4 sets your pitch rate increasing the speed switching from 30%, 60%, and 100%
icon 5 is for aerial footage with one key take off and landing with a panic button or kill switch
icon 6 is gravity mode now you control the movement of your drone by tilting your phone
icon 7 switches between radio or phone control
icon 8 open up extra functions
First one is reversing camera
Second is 3D options for 2 people
The third option is the headless mode
Fourth is re/calibrate the drone gyro
Fifth opens up the voice command and waypoint settings
That is a very interesting feature we like to test in the next video
My personal experience flying the Mavic clone Eachine E58 with my phone is binn interesting but also a lot more difficult than using the gimbal on the radio TX
Because of you don’t feel the phone gimbals they don’t give you any feedback on what position they are
Giving flying line of sight a whole new meaning because the gimbal sticks are not helping you anymore and you just might end up crashing the drone
Luckily this mini Mavic clone selfie drone is not so expansive and have foldable arms and propellers to take the first hit and release a lot of the G-force + there are plenty of cheap spare parts available
For sale at Banggood
Discount 8% off coupon: toysho
Eachine E58: https://goo.gl/sZrwpb
Spare Props: https://goo.gl/bQ9uKi
Spare Arm & 720 Motor: https://goo.gl/qCE52U
Transmission Gear: https://goo.gl/KC5MCs
Flight Controller: https://goo.gl/moy3CS
Wifi Module and FPV Camera: https://goo.gl/dJ2w7g
Spare Lipo Battery: https://goo.gl/ahQr78
1 to 3 Battery Charger: https://goo.gl/ymesXc
Hard Travel Case: https://goo.gl/PsjhAi
Landing Gear: https://goo.gl/zCzSqd
Top Body/Canopy: https://goo.gl/X6yZiX
Lower Body Part: https://goo.gl/8Mw89e
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Music by Brandon Liew:https://goo.gl/GmzhdD
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